Category: Professional Writing

PWRT 7048: Rhetoric of Health and Medicine

Instructor: Xie W 4:40 PM – 7:30 PM Students will be introduced to the social construction of health and medicine and the role of rhetoric in that formation….

ENGL 2144: Social Media for Social Justice and Activism

Instructor: Powell TR 2:00 PM – 3:20 PM Service Learning With the rise of digital activism being used to spur social change, students will analyze the success of movements such…

ENGL 2159: Intro to Rhetoric and Professional Writing

001 Instructor: Powell TR 12:30 PM – 1:50 PM This course, required for English majors in the Rhetoric and Professional writing track, answers the oft-asked question “What can I…

ENGL 4192: Technical and Scientific Writing for Non-Native Speakers

001 Instructor: Cheng TR 11:00 AM – 12:20 PM 002 Instructor: Cheng TR 12:30 PM – 1:50 PM 003 Instructor: Cheng TR 2:00 PM – 3:20 PM 004…

ENGL 2072: Writing for Parks and Museums

Instructor: Cook MW Hybrid F 1:25 PM – 2:20 PM Service Learning Whatever your passion, this class will teach you how to excite others about your interests. Fulfill your…

ENGL 2070: Desktop Publishing

001: Instructor: Kemp TR 11:00 AM – 12:20 PM002: Instructor: Kemp TR 2:00 PM – 3:20 PM Every professional must communicate, and design is a fundamental component of…

ENGL/EVST 4093: Environmental Writing

Instructor: Hyland TR 2:00 PM – 3:20 PM Service Learning In this course, students will learn strategies used in several of the many kinds of environmental writing that…

ENGL 3062: Writing in Behavioral Sciences

001 Instructor: Kemp TR 9:30 AM – 10:50 AM Service Learning 002 Instructor: Hyland TR 11:00 AM – 12:20 PM Service Learning 003 Instructor: Hyland TR 3:30 PM…

ENGL 5124/PWRT 6024: Editing Professional Documents

Instructor: Cook MW 2:30 PM – 3:25PM Would you like to learn about the different types of editing out there and what each entails? Would you like to…

ENGL 5127/6027: Advanced Topics in Professional Writing: Responsible AI in Technical & Professional Communication

Instructor: Xie F 11:00 AM – 1:50 PM (If you have taken the Content Management course, you can build on what you learned there, but that course is not…

PWRT 7001: Intro to Professional Writing

Instructor: Powell T 4:40 PM – 7:30 PM The course will introduce you to the field of professional writing as an academic discipline and as a profession. We’ll discuss…

ENGL 4091: Writing for Business

001 Instructor: Kissling | Online ASYNC 002 Instructor: Kissling | Online ASYNC 003 Instructor: Kissling | Online ASYNC If you want to feel more comfortable meeting the writing…

ENGL 4092: Technical & Scientific Writing

001 Instructor: TBA  online ASYNC002 Instructor: TBA  online ASYNC003 Instructor: TBA  online ASYNC004 Instructor: TBA  online ASYNC005 Instructor: TBA  online ASYNC006 Instructor: TBA  online ASYNC007 Instructor: TBA  online…

ENGL 3072: Multimedia Writing

Instructor: Wilson MW Hybrid F 10:10 AM – 11:05 AM Service Learning Multimedia writing provides students with a practical and theoretical foundation in multimedia history and production. Projects…