001 Instructor:  Allison   Online ASYNC 
002 Instructor: Cole   Online ASYNC 
003 Instructor: Powell   TR 12:30 PM – 1:50 PM
004 Instructor: Kemp    TR 2:00 PM – 3:20 PM
005 Instructor: Specter   Online ASYNC
006 Instructor: Specter   Online ASYNC
007 Instructor: Boehr    Online ASYNC
008 Instructor: Boehr   Online ASYNC
009 Instructor: Boehr   Online ASYNC
010 Instructor: George   Online ASYNC
011 Instructor: Spada   Online ASYNC
012 Instructor: Spada   Online ASYNC
013 Instructor: Walton   Online ASYNC
014 Instructor: Stephens   Online ASYNC                                                                                     015 Instructor: Thacker   Online ASYNC                                                                                    016 Instructor: Staff  Online ASYNC                                                                             

ENGL 4092 will ready students for the kinds and purposes of professional writing they will do in their professional careers in technology, science, and engineering. Writing in these fields supports design processes, research studies, problem solving, and business transactions. In studying the theory and practice of writing in specialized environments, students will develop strategies for adjusting content, style, design, and delivery method to different rhetorical contexts. This course often operates as a writing intensive workshop where student participation is necessary and vital. This course is not a review of basic composition or grammar skills, although students will learn techniques for successful revising and editing.