Instructor: Lindenberg
T 12:30 PM – 3:20 PM

Our workshopping will focus on full-length poetic or hybrid manuscripts. Each artist will workshop one full-length manuscript and various individual pieces throughout the course of the semester. As a collective, we’ll discuss the intricacies of manuscript consultation, how to commune with a full-length collection versus individual pieces of writing, and develop necessary skills toward communicating with, writing toward, and revising a manuscript draft. We’ll think and read deeply on how the contemporary poets (your publishing peers and leaders) approach the construction of a manuscript, and the overarching decisions and tensions that make these works compelling. In the shared space, we’ll at times push against traditional workshop practices and aesthetics, while other times leaning into them, with a focus on attending to the larger body of work by each artist, to stretch our imaginations and thinking, and to contemplate your writing in the larger conversations of poetry.