Instructor: Hennessey
TR 9:30 AM – 10:50 AM

Amazing Books is a relatively new course, but it’s quickly become a favorite of students and professors alike. I often describe it as a 15-week infomercial for the English department: a low-pressure/high-reward environment where you can learn how to experience and analyze a variety of texts (including short stories, novels, comics, film, poetry, and science fiction), as well as how to more confidently express your perspectives in both conversation and writing. While I coordinate the class and teach several texts on my own, we will also have a number of guests from English join us to present a favorite text, providing students with a sense of the different teaching styles present in our department and the opportunity to meet other professors they might want to work with in the future. You may not think of yourself as a reader now, but hopefully by the end of the semester you will, regardless of your major, and while you might not like every text you encounter this term, we hope you might find at least one that you love.