Category: Rhetoric & Composition
Instructor: Micciche R Online/Synchronous 4:40 PM – 7:30 PM Our goals for the Academic Job Market Preparation seminar include considering potential professional pathways (both traditional and non-traditional) for…
Instructor: LaVecchia M 9:30 AM – 12:20 PM History of Composition Studies will explore multiple narratives framing the growth and…
Instructor: Weissman & ProchaskaW 12:30 3:20 PM In this lively and intimate course, which meets in Langsam Library and enrolls just a dozen students, you will create books…
Instructor: D’Orazio MW 10:10 AM – 11:05 AM HYBR Copyeditors are not the stars of the show when it comes to writing and publishing, but the glow of…
Instructor: LaVecchia T 12:30 PM – 1:50 PM Hybrid This course is designed to make learning grammar interesting and even enjoyable. The main purpose of this class is…
Instructor: Carter Thursday 5:00 PM-07:50 PM This course addresses the communicative power of images. Class participants examine photography, film, sketch artistry, image-driven protest, designed space, and various forms…
Instructor: Ochs-NadererTR 2:00 PM – 3:20 PM How do we speak and write about sports, and why does it matter? In this course, we will delve into the…
001 Instructor: Hammond MWF 10:10 AM – 11:05 AM 002 Instructor: Griegel-McCord TR 12:30 PM 1:50 PM In this class, we will explore how style works to…