Instructor: D’Orazio
MW 10:10 AM – 11:05 AM HYBR

Copyeditors are not the stars of the show when it comes to writing and publishing, but the glow of writing would be much dimmer without them. Copyeditors improve writing by deleting redundancies, resolving impediments to clarity, enhancing grammatical and syntactical flow, fact-checking, ensuring stylistic consistency across a manuscript, and much more. In the process of making manuscripts ready for production, publication, and distribution, a copyeditor consults dictionaries and style guides and uses a variety of tools—software programs, electronic editing tools, and old-fashioned handwritten editing marks. Writers count on copyeditors to catch overlooked mistakes and inaccuracies; they count on copyeditors to elevate writing from serviceable to memorable. To develop these skills, you will study and apply copyediting methods to a variety of texts. In addition, you’ll get an introduction to print and digital aspects of the publishing industry. This course is suitable for those interested in editorial work in the publishing industry, for creative writers who want to refine their manuscripts, and for professionals in any field who wish to become clear, effective communicators.